fortran-strings 1.1.1
Fortran library of functions for common string manipulations

Build Status


fortran-strings is a Fortran library and module which contains functions for common string manipulations. The function ideas originate mainly from Python's built-in string functions. The functions are accessible by using strings module in your Fortran code

use strings

The function names are prefixed with str_. The following is a list of available functions:

  • str_count - Count the occurrences of a substring in a string.
  • str_replace - Replace a substring with another substring within a parent string.
  • str_upper - Convert all letters to uppercase.
  • str_lower - Convert all letters to lowercase.
  • str_split - Split string based on a character delimiter and return string given by the column number.
  • str_uniq - Removed duplicative entries from a delimited string.
  • str_zfill - Pad a string with zeroes ("0") to specified width. If width is <= input string width, then the original string is returned.
  • str_center - Center a string to a specified width. The default character to fill in the centered string is a blank character.
  • str_reverse - Reverse a string.
  • str_test - Return .true. is a substring is found in a string, .false. otherwise.
  • str_swapcase - Swap the case of letters in a string.

All functions return a deferred-length, allocatable character scalar (character(len=:), allocatable) with the exception of **str_count** which returns an integer and **str_test** which returns a logical.


  • Fortran compiler (tested with gfortran 4.8.4 and later)

Build and Installation

Admittedly, my knowledge of automake, autotools, etc is not strong at this time. The makefile is preconfigured to compile with GNU Fortran (gfortran) $FC and its appropriate compiler options $FFLAGS. The default install path is set to /usr/local via $PREFIX. To change these make variables, simply edit the makefile or set these variables on the command line prior to the make commands.

[FC=... FFLAGS="..." PREFIX="..."] make # Build
make test # Test
[sudo] [FC=... FFLAGS="..." PREFIX="..."] make install # Install (sudo access required if install to system area)


This package provides a module file (**<prefix>/include/strings.mod**) and both a shared object library (**<prefix>/lib/**) and a static library (**<prefix>/lib/libfstrings.a**). To use this fortran-strings in your Fortran program, you must use the USE statement in your main program or procedure source and during compile, you must specify the library of your choice to the compiler/linker.

Example code:

program test
implicit none
character(len=:), allocatable :: mystring
integer :: icount
mystring="Hello World! Hello from Fortran!"
icount=str_count(mystring,"Hello") ! Return a count of "Hello" in mystring
write(6,*)"icount = ",icount
end program test
Definition: strings.f90:1
integer function str_count(str, substr, match_case)
Count the occurrences of a substring in a string.
Definition: strings.f90:14

Example compile and link to the static library using gfortran:

gfortran -I<prefix>/include -o test.x test.f90 <prefix>/lib/libfstrings.a

Note that this does not make the executable 100% static.

Example compile and link to the shared object library using gfortran:

gfortran -I<prefix>/include -o test.x test.f90 -L<prefix>/lib -lfstrings

Note that when compiling and linking to shared object libraries, the library path must be specified in the appropriate environment variable prior to invocation (Linux: LD_LIBRARY_PATH; macOS: DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH).